Fan Performance Reliability
Fans are undoubtedly the main energy-consuming component of ventilation systems. Unlike energy recovery systems, the fan is used regardless of the season – practically all the time when the air handling unit or Roof-Top is running.

Proper and accurate assessment of the performance parameters of the fans we produce is the key to building long-term business relationships with our clients.

Accredited Laboratory
The laboratory of Swiss Rotors Sp. z o.o. is accredited with AMCA International as being qualified to conduct tests in accordance with AMCA 210 Fig, 12, Fig 15.

We have installed a certified AMCA test station, where we test the performance and of our fans based on the guidelines of AMCA 210 – the default standard for the most recognized fan certification in the world.
Our lab is accredited by AMCA Certification.
Where is our lab located?
As an AMCA accredited research laboratory, we are ready to provide support in fan performance tests for certification purposes. Our lab is located in one of our company’s headquarters in northern Poland.